DMCA Disclaimer

All the information on this website – – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website. It is important to note that the content is uploaded by users and is intended for research and learning purposes only. The website will not be held liable for any content posted by users, and the content may not be used for commercial purposes.

The website recognizes the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable laws to respect copyright. If a user believes that their intellectual property has been posted on the website without their consent, they may send a notice to the provided email address, following the requirements of the 17 U.S.C. §512 law. The website may remove the content or terminate access to it if a valid notice is received. Repeated infringers may face a permanent ban from the platform.

Copyright Holders (DCMA Report) website respects the copyright and related rights of others and provides solutions to resolve any issues related to copyright infringement

  • Website does not host materials for which the copyright and related rights belong to other persons or entities.
  • If any material has been posted on the website that violates copyright, the right holder has the right to appeal to the website’s admin to resolve the issue. Please feel free to contact us by email at contact [email protected]

There are three options to solve the problem:

  • Replace the existing game links with links provided by the copyright holder, which can either be a stripped-down copy of the application or a complete application with advertising.
  • Replace the application link with a reference to Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, or the official website of the application.
  • Remove all references to the site, provided the right holder confirms their rights to the application/product hosted on the website.